My name is Luca Vogels.
I am 26 years old and
successfully completed my bachelor's degree in computer science in November 2020.
I am currently studying part-time in the 9. semester
for the computer science master’s degree at the TU Darmstadt and am also realizing my own ideas.

def foo(self‚
args: list=[]) -> int:
""" Python method """
for a in args:
foo(["Hello"‚ "World"])
About 12 years ago,
I immersed myself in the world of computer science with Java.
What I find fascinating about computer science is the diversity and the almost limitless possibilities you have with it.
I find distributed and scalable systems such as MicroServices or BigData particularly interesting.
You can find my already published projects under
and many more are already being planned!
My motto or my inner drive is: "There is nothing that is not possible" For me, quality and efficiency are the two most important basic principles. In my opinion, quality in particular no longer has the meaning it originally had, which is why I want to redefine this term with what I do.